Philosophical Sandpaper Musings

This morning I was thinking, "If I was on a desert island, and I could only chose one grit sandpaper to take with me, what grit would I chose?" I would chose 180. Then I realized that I'd be on an island, and I could just rub stuff in the sand.


  1. Har har har... Listen! I was reading your last post and feeling much empathy... my husband is on assignment in South Africa for the World Cup for 36 DAYS! That leaves me alone with the hellions (ie: 2 and 4 year old boys) for that duration. 'Philosophical Sandpaper Musings', and the like, are bits that get me through. Thanks for the smiles.

  2. Lee, when he gets home you should greet him at the door with a vuvuzela. Waaaahhhhhhhhhhhh.

  3. Obviously, you would have mod podge with you, so you could use the sand to make just about anything into a sanding block.


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