Attention, Fleshbags!

Sorry about the fleshbag comment. I am a robot and have poor interpersonal skills! Anyway, new listings in the etsy shop soon! Like tomorrowish. Monday or at least by Tuesday for sure. I am also bad with time management and deadlines.


  1. You've got some awesomeness going on right here I tell ya.

  2. husband just handed baby screwdriver to play with. because we are trying to occupy him while we unpack. because we've been unpacking and moving for weeks. because our time management is so poor. because we are not awesome like you are and are able to wrangle several children while crafting adorable aspergers robots.

  3. moving? too bad ms. norwood didn't get her apartment listed sooner. she would've cut you a deal.

    ps never too early to hand the boy a screwdriver!


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