DIY Pom Pom Light Made From Trash!!!

Look what I made! I cannot believe how it turned out! Eeeee! I'm so happy!

I made them out of dome lids from plastic to go cups and cut up plastic shopping bags. Trash!

If you snip the edge off one of the dome lids with scissors, then they snap together to form a ball.
I covered the dome lids with double sided tape. Then cut the plastic shopping bag up into 2 inch squares.

Wrap each square around a pencil and stick them onto the tape. Pop an LED tea light inside. Snap the two halves together. Hang it up! Aaaagh!!! I love these so much! Great for outdoors because it's plastic/water resistant. I hung them from the tree yesterday, then Emma claimed them at night and put them in her room. She's also requested a large pink one, so I'll make it out of a paper lantern with pink tissue paper. So fun! The glow they make is sooo pretty!


  1. How lovely and innovative! Repurposing is awesome.

  2. Çok güzel olmuş izin verirsen blogumda link vererek paylaşayım.

  3. These are great! And I love that they don't have to be plugged in. Perfect.

  4. Wow impressive (-^_^-) I think I will try to make one myself!

  5. Super pretty I'm gonna try this too!

  6. This is flippin' awesome! I'm gonna give it a go this weekend!

  7. Yay for upcycling! Also gives me an excuse to have a few more Costa coffee frappachinos before the warm sun completely disappears. These are beautiful and would make my University room much prettier, or our garden for that matter.

  8. This is such a great idea! I love creative up cycling!

  9. AWESOME! I love this recycling project!

  10. Isnt this a fire hazard? Wouldnt the heat from the tealight melt the plastic? I would love to make these for my DIY wedding :)

  11. There's no heat. They're LEDs!

  12. Do you think you could spray paint the bags and have the same effect?

  13. Reckon you could spray paint the finished project to make them pink? And how strong is the finished product? These could be perfect for my daughters new "Pop star hannah montanna room" :-)

  14. Hey Amber, you can get the same look and feel with tissue paper and Chinese lanterns.

    Whole-sale Chinese Lanterns:

    I tried to find you some resources:

  15. How do you attach the to lids together and are they just a one time deal because I can't figure out how you would turn the tea light off.

  16. These are super pretty! How do you attach the lids together and are you able to turn off the tea light?

  17. I am really very impressed. This is a fantastic blog. You obviously know what your subject matter! I studied it with great interest and look forward to the next updates.Thanks.

  18. Katie, I've been trying to find your email address on here, but I haven't found it. I'm a writer for Crafting a Green World and was wondering if I could have permission to feature this tutorial this week on our site. I'm hoping to do a round-up of plastic bag projects to encourage our readers to recycle them! I will use one of your pictures and of course, link back to your site! Please let me know as soon as possible if this would be okay with you. Thank you so much for your time!

    -Bonnie @ Crafting a Green World

  19. I was wondering what kind of led lights are in it and where can i find them? This is an awesome creation!!! :)

  20. Anon, just plain old led tea lights. I put two in each ball.

  21. I am SOOOOO going to do this!

  22. I am making some of these for my wedding decorations!!! :) Thanks for the tutorial! :)

  23. How long does it take you to make one?

  24. This is a cool idea. How big is the finish product?

  25. Maybe you could use glow sticks inside.

  26. so cute and so smart, you did a great job, very talented gonna try this love out side lighting

  27. You could use the dollar store plastic table clothes in the colors you want

  28. I would love to use this on my site to encourage recycling of plastic bags. Please let me know if ok to use one pic and a link back to this site.


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