And the winners are...

The winners of the fabulous electrified fox lamp Stiffy giveaway are

Jenny Hillman

Yay! Congratulations! I found email addresses on your profiles and sent you emails about what to do next to obtain your bottle of the most amazing fabric stiffening product know to womankind. Thanks to all who left comments. You are all winners to me.

And now, my friends, I am going to read Little House in the Big Woods and fantasize about raising chickens. Or at least making plush ones out of calico.


  1. Haha... my re-reading of the Laura Ingalls series has me at "The First Four Years"... such great reading! And yes... I want a chicken, a calf and Ma to come and look after me.

  2. I keep dreaming about raising chickens, too! I just need to convince the huz to fence in our backyard...I might be dreaming for awhile.

  3. I just finished reading "Farmer Boy" to the kids. It's about Almanzo's childhood (Laura's husband). Wow he had such a different life than Laura. It's sure fun to read these older books to the kids.

    I think plush chickens are better. I've got 6 hens and they are a pain in the ass.

  4. I loved those books! And just the other day, in town, I passed a fenced in yard that did in fact have chickens. It pretty much made my day!


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